“Happiness is not in money but in shopping” – Marilyn Monroe

As I pulled my latest purchase out of the bag, my husband looked at me with disbelief. “You have a problem.” He stated bluntly. I immediately made a mental note not to show him the one I had bought earlier in the week, or tell him about the two winging their way from the United Kingdom via airmail. “I don’t think I have a problem, I could stop any time I wanted, but when they’re so cheap it makes sense to buy them when I see one I like, and you can’t say I don’t use them!’ I retorted, really rather defensively. “It has to stop, it’s getting ridiculous, you can’t possibly need that many!”. But what do men know when it comes to these things?

I admit, I do have a lot – 33 to be precise. Which compared to some is actually a modest collection. Can I really have too many? Could I really stop whenever I wanted to? I’d never considered these things before, but he certainly got me thinking. It’s an automatic reaction when I see them there, on their hangers, silky and sleek in all the colours of the rainbow. I feel myself being drawn as if I’m being pulled by an invisible string, before I know it I have one in my hand and I’m asking the price.

I find myself playing about on my phone in the evenings when the children go to bed, I click on the ebay icon, and soon there they are in all their technicolour glory. Different materials, designs, lengths, styles. So much to choose from and soon enough I’m thinking to myself how many of them I could really do to add to my collection. I justify it by the changing of the seasons or needing one to match a certain outfit. Generally I find a decent excuse.

After my husband accusing me of having an addiction I made a promise to him that I shall not buy any more for now, or at least until I’ve given a fair few away. So here I am, on a headscarf buying ban, trying to avoid walking past certain shops in town and ignoring the fact that I could really use a coral coloured scarf now summer is here. I haven’t searched Hijab on ebay for about a week and I’ve even given away a couple of scarves I no longer wear. I am on the road to recovery!

3 thoughts on ““Happiness is not in money but in shopping” – Marilyn Monroe

  1. They are so pretty and colorful. Many women use them to establish an identity..in my opinion. I am sure my sis in law has at least that many..although she may have surrendered some by now. And yes, dear, do not show Hubby all new things….should he really notice something, say that thing has been hanging in my closet waiting its turn to be worn~It may have been there only two days, but it was there ! 🙂 good luck and keep writing~

    • I really do love my scarves! I seem to wear the same 5 all the time but I struggle to give any away for the fear that one day I will find an outfit that will match that scarf perfectly!

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